Kylix links

The following links shall not be recommendations, just pointers.
A notice about a broken link is welcome.

newsgroups - incomplete list

There are many groups at the server ''. It has to be added to the
list of servers in the news reader as it is fortunately not mirrored.
borland news group list

direct : - though outlook users may have add the server '' manually
borland forums : graphic
borland forums : internet sockets
borland forums : internet apache
borland forums : ide
borland forums : non tech kylix
borland forums : object pascal
borland forums : using CLX comonents
borland forums : writing CLX components
borland forums : Linux API
borland forums : jobs
borland forums : open source
borland forums : third party tools
borland forums : unrelated chat

there are a few more at borland.

my kylix

last updated: 16.may.01

Copyright (99,2001) Ing.Büro R.Tschaggelar