where : ibrtses embedded
embedded x86
This page is dedicated to x86 compatible family of CPU's.
For bigger embedded projects, the x86 compatible family :
- intel 8088
- intel 8086
- NEC V20
- NEC V25
- NEC V35
has the advantage of being able to run code generated with DOS PC compilers and tools :
- Borland Pascal 7.0
- Turbo Pascal 7.0
- RTKernel
there are tools to convert the DOS code into embedded code. Mine is not available anymore.
Together with a serially linked target debugger, one can use the comfortable Turbodebugger
to debug the code in real time or singlestep.
A not so recent project on a V25 involved 10..15 threads in an embedded communication
application. It required 128k RAM and 128k FlashEPROM.
Newer Approaches
Embedded x86 machines are available from manufacturers close to here with the advantage
of quicker support and higher probability of custom versions.
- Beck Multitasking 20MHz 186 Webserver with DOS
- Taskit 25MHz 386 in a Compactflash case with DOS
- Digital Logic 386, 486, Pentiums
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last updated: 10.Mai.02
Copyright (1999,2002) Ing.Büro R.Tschaggelar